This site serves the Scottish Rite Valleys in the Orient of Minnesota; Duluth, Hibbing, Minneapolis, Rochester, and Saint Paul.
The Orient of Minnesota is a part of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is, above all else, an educational institution. We seek not to teach men the truth but, instead, a way to the truth. Each must find the truth for himself. The Degrees of the Scottish Rite does not teach specific lessons. Rather, they give parallel examples from earlier cultures, raise questions, and challenge us to think. Freemasonry is a journey of self-discovery and self-development. We seek only to be a guide, teaching the common ground of various philosophical and religious approaches to belief, in order that men might be more united in their standards of right and wrong and in their understanding of the reality of God.
“…If all men had always obeyed with all their hearts the mild and gentle teachings of Masonry, that world would always have been a paradise… For this is the Masonic creed: Believe in God’s infinite benevolence, wisdom and justice; Hope for the final triumph of good over evil and for the perfect harmony as the final result of all the concords and discords of the universe; and Be Charitable, as God is, towards the unfaith, the errors, the follies and the faults of men; for all are of one great Brotherhood.”
Albert Pike, 33° – The Meaning of Masonry, 1858