Sovereign Grand Inspector General
Tony R. Krall, 33°
Personal Representative
Leonard Smith, 33° IGH
Assistant Personal Representative
Frank J. Spevak, 33° IGH
Jerry J. Johnson, 33° GC
Executive Secretary
James R. Moore 32° KCCH
Robert H. Golder, 32° K∴C∴C∴H
Heads of the Bodies
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master
Fred Perez, 32° K∴C∴C∴H
Chapter of Rose Croix
Wise Master
Joe Amos, 32° K∴C∴C∴H
Council of Kadosh
William H. Beslin, 32° K∴C∴C∴H
Master of Kadosh
Neil Clymer, 32° K∴C∴C∴H